Privacy Policy
UAC Privacy Policy
Union Assessment And Certification LLC respects you and your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. Our Privacy Policies will inform you on how we collect, process and look after your personal data. Furthermore, our Privacy Policies will give you an insight on your privacy rights and how the privacy law protects you. We have divided our Privacy Policies in a General Privacy Policy and a specific Privacy Policy for the use of this website.
We are aware of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which regulates the use of personal data of individuals within the EU. As we do not sell products or provide services directly to any data subjects in the EU or engage in any monitoring or profiling of individuals, the GDPR does not directly apply to Union Assessment And Certification LLC. However, where we have corporate clients based in the EU or with EU based employees, our clients are obliged to seek certain commitments from us. We fully expect to provide our clients with all such information, data security guarantees and data assistance as required of 'data processors' under GDPR.